Saturday, 17 March 2012

Reflections on a long ski trip

Those of you who know me professionally know that I also do "lessons learned", so for the benefit of any other mad cross country skiers, here are some of the lessons I learned.

  1. No-wax skis are definitely slower and a lot more effort - probably 20% slower and 20-30% more effort.
  2. I need a wider range of waxes (with a bit of luck I'll get some more when I am in Helsinki)
  3. I need to learn to wax skis better
  4. For some stretches I need to get some poles with bigger baskets. I couldn't get any this time
  5. Ski pole length is critical; the traditional way of relating it to height alone is not sufficient - it needs modifying according to leg length.
  6. A few lessons from a good coach made a huge difference
  7. Although I was fitter and faster, I need to improve my balance and technical ski control for a couple of sections - the first few 20km of the first and last days.
  8. I need to improve my nutrition - I find that I just cannot eat enough
The question is how to address some of these?

I can try Nordic walking now I know exactly what I should be doing with my poles. A few people train on roller skis - this strengthens the arm muscles (one guy - Nikola) can double pole uphill with the strength he has gained this way.

With a balance board, and exercises (such as the Tibetans) I can improve my overall flexibility. That leaves me with the lack of training on snow and practice waxing. By 2014, they are supposed to complete an indoor ski centre about 15km from here. Although it is for downhill skiing, if I go at a quiet time I can at least improve balance and control of skis, and test out waxing. Next year I already have a week booked in early February in Norway, so I will at least get some training on snow.

Thanks to the people who sponsored me for Sports Relief.


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