Saturday, 14 March 2015

RR day 4 - the longest day

Again, the conditions were changeable - ice, snow, sleet, rain. I made it down the narrow steep slope with only a very minor fall, and was well pleased with myself. However, I really do need to work on my technical skiing - mostly to get the leg and ankle muscles to control the skis better - probably some skating would help - it would certainly improve my balance.

Between the two rest stops with the coaches, I did not see a single skier - the few slower ones behind me were left behind, or took the coach, and the faster ones were all well in front. It was slower and harder going than I had hoped. The general consensus was that the second rest stop had to be cleared by 2pm if you wanted to pass the last stop/checkpoint before the course was closed for safety as night falls. I did make it through here just by that time - the hot soup was definitely a nice reviver.

I occasionally caught up a Finnish lady skiing ahead of me - she would be pulling out of a rest stop as I arrived, but eventually she was out of reach. Suddenly as the temperature dropped as the sun was lowering late afternoon, the track got icy and I found I was able to double pole along at some 12-13km and sustain it for a long time. I overhauled the deficit to the lady in front and passed her, but she then caught on to the same trick and followed me closely all the way into the final checkpoint. However, with the sun having gone below the horizon (it takes about an hour and a half before it is dark at this latitude and time of year), we were too late to be let through for the final few kilometres.

Today's track:

The real finish point is just above the "n" in Ranua.

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